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A Tiny Christmas is the story of three best friends who each make a special Christmas wish. Pete the mouse wants a new blue coat. Stuffins the dog wants a new button nose. But Tiny, who is the smallest elephant who ever lived, makes a wish that may cause Tiny to outgrow his friends and ruin their Christmas.

 Click on the book to preview and buy the digital version.


 Click on the book to read.

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Explore the Catacombs of Paris with Oscar Bones. Discover the twists and turns in the underground tunnels, and find out how he overcomes his loneliness of being the only skeleton alive.

Oscar Bones Video


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Earl the Wildcat Dog is the story of a good luck mascot for a group of wildcatters during the early age of oil discovery. Earl is not accepted by the other dogs in town because of his appearance, always being covered in dirt and oil. The very thing the other dogs make fun of is the very thing that makes Earl the wildcat dog the best friend they could have.

 Click on the book to read.

Digital Version

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The BiPolar Bear is the story of a lovable polar bear named Gus, who in his quest for happiness learns that sometimes you have good days and sometimes you don’t.  It’s all a part of life.  But the good days outweigh the bad when you give of yourself, and help make others happy too.

 Click on the book to preview and buy the digital version.


Early Preview

Golf Nut is an irreverent collection of classic golf jokes that follow Roger Putts as he navigates his course in life. Obsessed with the game of golf, he lives and breathes the sport with the daily goal of making par. His job, his friends, his worldly possessions, even his wife can't hold a match to his insane compulsion for the game of golf.

This book is about to be published. Stay tuned for purchase details.

 Click on the book to read.

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